This blog was originally published by AffinityMSP here

Benefits of Managed IT Services

Break-Fix vs. Managed IT: Support for Your Business IT Needs

IT has become an integral part of businesses across industries and has experienced tremendous growth and adoption in recent years. The significant investments in IT infrastructure, software, services, and talent underscore its critical role in driving innovation, productivity, competitiveness, and operational efficiency in the modern business landscape.

IT services refer to the provision of technological support, solutions, and expertise to organizations for managing their information technology infrastructure and meeting their technology-related needs. IT services encompass a wide range of activities, including hardware and software installation, maintenance and support, network management, data storage and backup, cybersecurity, system upgrades, consulting, and more.

In IT services, there are two common approaches, break-fix and managed IT service. The choice between break-fix IT and managed IT depends on factors such as business size, IT needs, budget, risk tolerance, and growth plans. Small businesses with limited IT requirements and tight budgets may find break-fix IT suitable, while medium to large-sized businesses or those with complex IT environments often benefit from the proactive and comprehensive support provided by managed IT services.

What is Break-Fix IT Services?

Break-fix IT service refers to a reactive approach where IT support is sought only when a problem or issue arises within an organization’s IT infrastructure. Under this model, businesses engage IT service providers or technicians on an ad hoc basis to address specific problems or incidents as they occur.

When an IT issue arises, the business contacts the service provider or technician to diagnose and fix the problem. This can include repairing malfunctioning hardware, troubleshooting software issues, resolving network connectivity problems, recovering data from storage devices, or addressing any other technical problems.

Key characteristics of break-fix IT services include:

  1. Reactive Approach: Break-fix IT services are only utilized when a problem or issue occurs, meaning the service provider is called upon to “fix” the problem.
  2. Pay-Per-Incident or Hourly Basis: Businesses typically pay for break-fix IT services on a per-incident basis or an hourly rate, depending on the complexity and duration of the service required.
  3. Limited or No Proactive Monitoring: Break-fix IT services are primarily focused on resolving immediate problems. They typically do not involve ongoing monitoring or proactive maintenance of the IT infrastructure.
  4. Ad Hoc Engagements: Businesses engage with the service provider on a case-by-case basis, contacting them whenever an issue arises and requiring their assistance.

Break-fix IT services can be suitable for small businesses with limited IT needs or budget constraints that prevent them from committing to ongoing IT support. However, it’s important to note that relying solely on break-fix IT can result in potential downtime, as response times can vary, and there may be delays while waiting for support to address the issues. Additionally, this approach lacks the proactive monitoring and preventative measures provided by managed IT services.

Pros and Cons of Break-Fix IT Service


  1. Cost-effectiveness: Businesses with minimal IT needs may find break-fix IT more cost-effective since they only pay for services when required.
  2. Flexibility: There is no long-term commitment, allowing businesses to engage IT support as needed.


  1. Reactive Nature: Break-fix IT focuses on resolving issues after they have occurred, resulting in potential downtime and business disruptions.
  2. Potential Delays: Response times can vary, and businesses may experience delays while waiting for IT support to address their issues.
  3. Limited Proactive Support: Break-fix IT does not typically include proactive monitoring, maintenance, or preventative measures.

What is Managed IT Service?

Managed IT services refer to a comprehensive approach where an organization outsources the management, monitoring, and support of its IT infrastructure and systems to a managed service provider (MSP). Under this model, the MSP takes on the responsibility of proactively managing and overseeing various aspects of the organization’s IT operations.

Key characteristics of managed IT services include:

  1. Proactive Approach: Managed IT services take a proactive approach to IT support. The MSP actively monitors the organization’s IT systems, network, and infrastructure to identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems.
  2. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: The MSP continuously monitors the organization’s IT environment, including servers, networks, and devices, to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and security. Regular maintenance tasks, such as software updates and patch management, are performed to keep the systems up-to-date and secure.
  3. Help Desk Support: Managed IT services often include a dedicated help desk support team that provides assistance to users within the organization. This can include resolving technical issues, answering queries, and providing guidance on IT-related matters.
  4. Strategic IT Planning: The MSP collaborates with the organization to develop a strategic IT roadmap aligned with its business goals. This involves providing guidance on technology investments, suggesting improvements, and ensuring the IT infrastructure supports the organization’s long-term objectives.
  5. Fixed Subscription-Based Pricing: Managed IT services are typically offered through a subscription-based model. Businesses pay a fixed monthly or annual fee based on the scope of services provided. This allows for predictable IT costs and easier budgeting compared to the variable and unpredictable costs associated with break-fix IT.
  6. Comprehensive Services: Managed IT services encompass a wide range of IT support and management functions. This can include network monitoring, data backup and recovery, cybersecurity measures, software and hardware procurement, cloud services management, vendor management, and more.

Managed IT services are particularly beneficial for medium to large-sized businesses or organizations with complex IT environments. It provides ongoing support, enhances system performance and reliability, minimizes downtime, improves cybersecurity measures, and allows internal IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day maintenance tasks.

By partnering with an MSP, organizations can leverage their expertise, access the latest technology advancements, and benefit from a proactive and comprehensive approach to managing their IT infrastructure.

Pros and Cons of Managed IT Service


  1. Proactive Approach: MSPs monitor systems, perform regular maintenance, and address potential issues before they become critical problems, reducing downtime.
  2. Predictable Costs: Managed IT services typically have fixed monthly or annual costs, allowing businesses to budget and forecast expenses more effectively.
  3. Improved System Performance: Ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and updates help optimize system performance, enhancing productivity and reliability.


  1. Cost Considerations: Managed IT services may involve higher upfront costs compared to break-fix IT, especially for businesses with limited IT needs.
  2. Long-Term Commitment: Businesses engaging in managed IT services typically enter into long-term contracts with their service providers.
  3. Compatibility and Integration: Organizations with complex IT infrastructures may require careful evaluation and planning to ensure seamless integration with managed IT services.

Key Differences between Break-fix and Managed IT

The key differences between break-fix IT and managed IT services can be summarized in the following aspects:

Approach to Problem-Solving:

  • Break-fix IT: Break-fix IT takes a reactive approach, addressing IT issues as they occur. IT support is sought only when a problem arises, and service providers are engaged on an ad hoc basis to fix specific incidents.
  • Managed IT: Managed IT services follow a proactive approach. Managed service providers (MSPs) actively monitor and maintain the IT infrastructure, identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems. Continuous monitoring and preventative maintenance are key components of managed IT services.

Cost Structure and Predictability:

  • Break-fix IT: Businesses using break-fix IT typically pay for services on a per-incident or hourly basis. The costs can be variable and unpredictable, as they depend on the complexity and duration of each service engagement.
  • Managed IT: Managed IT services generally follow a fixed subscription-based pricing model. Businesses pay a regular, predetermined fee, usually on a monthly or annual basis. This predictable cost structure allows for easier budgeting and expense forecasting.

Long-Term Benefits and Business Impact:

  • Break-fix IT: Break-fix IT focuses on resolving immediate problems but may not address underlying issues or provide long-term solutions. It can result in potential downtime and business disruptions, as there may be delays in response time and resolution.
  • Managed IT: Managed IT services provide ongoing support, proactive monitoring, and preventative maintenance. This approach aims to minimize downtime, improve system performance, enhance cybersecurity measures, and provide strategic IT planning. The long-term benefits can include increased productivity, reduced risks, and improved overall business efficiency.

Relationship with IT Service Provider:

  • Break-fix IT: The relationship between businesses and break-fix IT service providers is often transactional and based on specific incidents. Businesses engage with the service provider as needed and may not have a continuous, long-term relationship.
  • Managed IT: Managed IT services involve a more comprehensive and ongoing relationship between the business and the MSP. The MSP becomes a trusted IT partner, taking responsibility for managing and supporting the organization’s IT infrastructure. The MSP’s role extends beyond incident resolution to strategic planning and continual IT support.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Break-fix and Managed IT

When choosing between break-fix IT and managed IT services, several factors should be taken into consideration. Here are the key factors to consider:

  1. Business Size and IT Needs:
    Assess the size and complexity of your business and its IT infrastructure. Larger businesses or those with complex IT environments may benefit from the comprehensive support and proactive monitoring offered by managed IT services. Smaller businesses with minimal IT needs might find break-fix IT more suitable.
  2. Budget and Cost Considerations:
    Evaluate your budget and financial resources. Break-fix IT services often involve variable costs per incident or hourly rates, while managed IT services typically have fixed subscription-based pricing. Consider your budget constraints and determine which model aligns better with your financial situation.
  3. Risk Tolerance and Business Continuity:
    Consider your tolerance for IT risks and the impact of potential downtime on your business. Break-fix IT can result in longer response times and potential disruptions during critical incidents. Managed IT services, with proactive monitoring and maintenance, can help minimize downtime and ensure business continuity.
  4. Growth and Scalability Requirements:
    Assess your future growth plans and scalability requirements. Managed IT services can provide the scalability and flexibility needed to support business expansion, as the MSP can adapt and scale the IT infrastructure to accommodate growth. Break-fix IT might not offer the same level of scalability and planning.
  5. Internal IT Expertise and Resources:
    Evaluate the level of internal IT expertise and resources available within your organization. If you have a capable in-house IT team that can handle day-to-day operations effectively, break-fix IT may be a viable option. However, if your team lacks expertise or is overwhelmed by the workload, managed IT services can provide additional support and expertise.
  6. IT Strategy and Alignment with Business Goals:
    Consider your IT strategy and how it aligns with your business goals. Managed IT services can offer strategic IT planning and guidance, helping align technology investments with your long-term objectives. If you require a partner to help shape your IT strategy, managed IT services may be more suitable.

It’s important to carefully assess these factors and consider your specific business needs before making a decision. Additionally, consulting with IT experts or service providers can provide valuable insights and help determine the most appropriate approach for your organization.


In conclusion, we have explored the key differences between break-fix IT and managed IT services. Break-fix IT offers a reactive approach, addressing issues as they arise, while managed IT services take a proactive approach with ongoing monitoring and support.

Based on your business’s specific needs, several factors should be considered. Evaluate the size of your business, budget constraints, risk tolerance, scalability requirements, internal IT expertise, and alignment with your business goals.

For smaller businesses with limited IT needs and budget constraints, break-fix IT may offer a cost-effective solution. However, for medium to large-sized businesses or those with complex IT environments, managed IT services provide comprehensive support, proactive monitoring, and long-term benefits.

It is crucial to make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives. Consider consulting with IT experts or service providers who can assess your unique requirements and provide tailored recommendations.

Remember, the right IT approach can enhance efficiency, minimize downtime, improve security, and support your business’s growth. Choose wisely and empower your organization with the IT services that best suit your needs.

Ready to explore a managed IT service? Contact us today.

Published by Nick Ower, AffinityMSP