Advent Services

Advent Services
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Advent is a multi-faceted organization with the depth and breadth needed to span the entire spectrum of services required to support our clients. The Advent corporate structure ensures that every client’s requirements are addressed promptly and efficiently. Our Lean Management approach offers reduced risk, increased responsiveness and effective customer interface and it is what makes us flexible enough to adapt and provide excellent, timely, cost-effective service. The Advent management team will be involved in every project offering the commitment and resources of the entire company; all with the goal of ensuring the success of the project and that our clients are satisfied and confident with the level of quality services we provide. Our experience provides us with an inherent ability... to work in and/or manage fast paced, changing environments with minimal disruption of service while preserving team stability. Our dedicated, highly-trained workforce encompasses a wide range of disciplines with backgrounds and training from organizations like the National Security Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, Oracle Corp., Red Hat Inc., Microsoft and CompTIA.

10+ SMB

Web Development, Managed IT, IaaS, Email Security, Cybersecurity... and 1 more
Redhat, Microsoft, McAfee, Intel, Cisco
Panama City, United States

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