Sirti S.p.A.

Sirti S.p.A.
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Sirti is Italy's leading technology company in the design and production of network infrastructures and telecoms system integration. Founded in 1921, it operates in the telecommunications and ICT, energy and transport sectors Sirti has also been a successful player on an international level with a direct presence in KSA, UAE, Lybia, Qatar and Scandinavia projects in almost every continent. Has 4.000 employees in Italy and abroad.
LE upGrowth Cisco 10 ISO 27001

Global100 2024. Every year, Cloudtango honors the most successful managed service providers. For 2024, our technical analysis focused on business growth, customer satisfaction, and service offerings. By being selected, Sirti S.p.A. demonstrated an excellent track record delivering innovative IT services and cloud solutions while exceeding customer expectations.

VoIP, Cybersecurity, Data Storage, Hyper-convergence, IaaS... and 6 more
VMware, Cisco, Citrix, Dell, EMC², +10 […]
Milano, Italy
+39 02.9588.1

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